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Canada Area Code

Canada has 50 area codes. When area codes were created in 1947 to prepare for a nationwide unified long-distance dialing system, all of Canada was not covered. Newfoundland, Labrador, and the Northwest, Yukon, and Nunavut territories were not included. The original 9 area codes of Canada include 204, 306, 403, 416, 418, 514, 604, 613, and 902. The most recently added was 584 in 2022 as an overlay to 204.
Unlike the US, Canadian area codes can cross province/state boundaries. Only 3 cross province boundaries: 782, 867, and 902. Area code 782 serves Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Area code 867 is the area code for northern Canada including the Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwest territories. Area code 902 serves Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

All Canada Area Code List By Province

British Columbia


New Brunswick


Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island

